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Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) is a diagnostic imaging procedure used to evaluate the fallopian tubes and the uterine cavity in women experiencing fertility issues or suspected abnormalities in their reproductive system.

What is a HyCoSy

Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) is a diagnostic imaging procedure used to evaluate the fallopian tubes and the uterine cavity in women experiencing fertility issues or suspected abnormalities in their reproductive system. This will allow us to assess if getting pregnant naturally or with intrauterine insemination is an option for you.

What happens during a HyCoSy?

Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) involves injecting a contrast agent into the uterus through the cervix, followed by real-time ultrasound imaging. The contrast agent helps visualise the movement of the fluid through the fallopian tubes, allowing doctors to assess the patency of the tubes and to identify any blockages or abnormalities. HyCoSy is commonly employed to diagnose conditions like blocked fallopian tubes, uterine abnormalities, and other factors contributing to infertility. It is a useful tool in fertility evaluations and treatment planning, providing insights into the structural health of the reproductive organs.

When is a HyCoSy recommended?

Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) is recommended for women who are experiencing fertility issues or suspected abnormalities in their reproductive system. HyCoSy is might be recommended in the cases below:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Suspected blocked fallopian tubes
  • Previous Pelvic Infections
  • Uterine Abnormalities
  • Recurrent Miscarriages
  • Prior Tubal Surgery
  • Evaluating Tubal Patency after Sterilisation Reversal


How much does HyCoSy cost? HyCoSy treatment at Bridge Clinic London costs £625